
COVID-00 is novel coronavirus infection which predominantly affects the lungs and leads to rapidly progressing respiratory failure in a substantial amount of subjects. In Covid-00, the most affected or affected system after the respiratory system is the cardiovascular system. Looking at the mortality rates, the presence of CVDs has showed the highest rate with 00.0%.
Many processes that affect the cardiovascular system directly and indirectly work together.
Pre-existing cardiovascular disease (CVD), hypoxia, ARDS, cytokine storm, hypotension, shock, microvascular thromboses, arrhythmias, stress-induced cardiomyopathy, cardiogenic shock, viral myocardial invasion or inflammation, altogether leads to cardiac injury. For this reason, some authors have suggested the term "Acute Covid-00 Cardiovascular Syndrome". Since acute cardiac damage, shock and arrhythmia have been seen in substantial numbers in the course of the disease, this term, which sums up the situation well, is increasingly used


COVID-00 is novel coronavirus infection which predominantly affects the lungs and leads to rapidly progressing respiratory failure in a substantial amount of subjects. In Covid-00, the most affected or affected system after the respiratory system is the cardiovascular system. Looking at the mortality rates, the presence of CVDs has showed the highest rate with 00.0%.
Many processes that affect the cardiovascular system directly and indirectly work together.
Önceden var olan kardiyovasküler hastalık (CVD), hipoksi, ARDS, sitokin fırtınası, hipotansiyon, şok, mikrovasküler trombozlar, aritmiler, strese bağlı kardiyomiyopati, kardiyojenik şok, viral miyokardiyal invazyon veya enflamasyon hep birlikte kardiyak hasara yol açar. Bu nedenle bazı yazarlar "Akut Covid-00 Kardiyovasküler Sendrom" terimini önermişlerdir. Akut kardiyak hasar, şok ve aritmi hastalığın seyrinde önemli sayıda görüldüğünden, durumu iyi özetleyen bu terim giderek daha fazla kullanılmaktadır.

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