
C.R. Snyder has been a pioneer in the
positive psychology literature with numerous
studies including a handbook on the positive
psychological state of hope. Hope is comprised
of three components; goals, agency thinking
(will-power) and pathways (way-power).
Individuals with higher levels of hope have the
agentic capacity to set and pursue goals in such a
way that they stay motivated throughout the
pursuant process. Pathway thinking allows one
to generate multiple pathways (or routes) to a
goal and to identify, anticipate and prepare for
obstacles using contingency plans (Snyder,
0000; Snyder, Hoza, Pelham, Rapoff, 0000;
Snyder Lopez, 0000). Through establishing
multiple pathways, individuals with higher hope
can continuously envision goal attainment and
success as they are prepared with alternative
routes in the case of an obstacle blocking the
current path. Although the PsyCap research
stream is progressive there has been no
examination of the link between PsyCap and
more objective non-performance outcomes such
as absenteeism.


CR Snyder,
olumlu psikolojik literatürde öncü olmuştur ve umutların
psikolojik durumu hakkında bir el kitabı da dahil olmak üzere birçok çalışma içermektedir . Umut
üç bileşenden oluşur ; hedefler, ajans düşüncesi
(irade gücü) ve yollar (yol gücü).
Yüksek düzeyde umut sahibi olan bireyler,
hedefleri takip eden süreç
boyunca motive olacak şekilde belirleme ve takip etme konusunda etkin bir kapasiteye sahiptir
. Yol düşünme, kişinin
hedefe yönelik birden fazla yol (veya yol) oluşturmasına ve
acil durum planlarını kullanarak engelleri tanımlamasına, öngörmesine ve hazırlamasına olanak tanır (Snyder,
0000; Snyder, Hoza, Pelham, Rapoff, 0000;
Snyder Lopez, 0000). Kurarak
multiple pathways, individuals with higher hope
can continuously envision goal attainment and
success as they are prepared with alternative
routes in the case of an obstacle blocking the
current path. Although the PsyCap research
stream is progressive there has been no
examination of the link between PsyCap and
more objective non-performance outcomes such
as absenteeism.

(5000 karakter kaldı)


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