
Furthermore, LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® explorations allow for ‘what if?’ construction and
scenario-testing that offer safe excursions into liminality – somewhere where different
options can be created, questioned, tested and reconfigured until the individual builder
and/or group are satisfied with the outcome, or at the very least satisfied with the
Experience of liminality:
uncertain outcomes
“[This is me] stepping into a
world of uncertainty.”
Barton and James Special Issue: Threshold Concepts and Conceptual Difficulty
process. The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® ‘effect’ can be said to map neatly onto Land,
Meyer and Baillie’s view of the relational features of TCs (0000:00) in that the preliminal stage features the apprehension and questioning exhibited when faced with a
topic (in some of our workshops, managing ‘stuckness’ in learning), while the liminal
and post-liminal stages can actually be said to blur slightly or cross over categories.


Ayrıca, LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® keşifleri 'eğer?'
Sınırsızlığa güvenli geziler sunan inşaat ve senaryo testleri - farklı
ve / veya grup sonuçtan memnun kalana kadar veya en azından
sınırsızlık Deneyimi'nden memnun kalana kadar farklı seçeneklerin yaratılabileceği, sorgulanabileceği, test edilip yeniden yapılandırılabildiği bir yerde :
belirsiz sonuçlar
“[Bu benim]
belirsizlik dünyasına adım atıyorum.”
Barton ve James Özel Sayı: Eşik Kavramları ve Kavramsal Zorluk
süreci. LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® 'etkisinin' Land'e özenle eşlendiği söylenebilir,
Meyer and Baillie’s view of the relational features of TCs (0000:00) in that the preliminal stage features the apprehension and questioning exhibited when faced with a
topic (in some of our workshops, managing ‘stuckness’ in learning), while the liminal
and post-liminal stages can actually be said to blur slightly or cross over categories.

(5000 karakter kaldı)


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