
The benefits of garlic for human health have been known for centuries. Due to its valuable compounds, many people avoid consuming it due to its pungent odor and bitter taste, although experts recommend that people add it to their diet lists and consume it persistently. In order to change this disadvantage and increase consumption, black garlic has been produced by developing different production techniques. Black garlic is produced by fermenting fresh garlic in a controlled environment at 00-00°C and 00-00% relative humidity until it turns black, and during this process, physicochemical properties such as color, pH, dry matter, reducing sugar and nutrient content change with the effect of Maillard and enzymatic reactions. With this fermentation process, the alliin and allicin substances that give fresh garlic its characteristic odor and taste are reduced, so that the undesirable bitter taste and odor disappear. The fact that black garlic has higher antioxidant activity compared to fresh garlic has made this product more preferable in terms of health, not only in terms of taste and smell, but even with this feature. Although black garlic has been consumed in Asia andeurope for many years, our country has met this product very recently. In this review, we will focus on black garlic production technology, techniques used to increase production efficiency, changes that occur during the production process and health effects.


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